Spay & Neuter
This program was created by passionate individuals wishing to address the needs of pet owners looking to spay and neuter their pets at affordable prices while maintaining the highest quality of pet healthcare. We offer high-quality spay and neuter services to our community at significantly reduced prices.
In addition, we will address the overwhelming issue of our homeless pet population at its origin. By simply decreasing the numbers of unintended litters of puppies and kittens, most of which would have lived a life without a loving family and home, we will make the difference in the lives of thousands of our animal companions.
Book Spay & Neutering Services Near You
Please call us at 949-837-7660 to book a neuter/spay appointment. Do not book this type of appointment online.
Before You Arrive For Pet Spaying & Neutering
We will email surgery registration forms prior to your visit; please fill them out and bring them with you to your surgery appointment. This will greatly decrease the time spent on the necessary paperwork at the clinic in the morning. Please allow 20-30 minutes for check-in on the day of surgery.
Please withhold your pet’s food after 10pm the night before surgery to help ensure an empty stomach. Having water available until morning is acceptable, but please restrict access to water as soon as you awaken in the morning.
We will be discussing the option to do pre-anesthetic blood testing for your pet at check-in. Our staff will share with you the importance of doing these blood tests as an evaluation of the overall health and function of the internal organs responsible for processing the anesthesia and medications. Although there are always inherent risks associated with surgery and anesthesia, these tests can help detect problems that may alter anesthetic protocols or even re-evaluate your pet as a candidate for surgery and reduce the risk factors involved. These tests are one way to have a look at the internal health of your pet. Please see the pricing and services page for more detailed information on the different tests available and recommendations for your pet.
We would like to help to identify certain conditions prior to surgery that may need attention during your pet’s procedure if indicated. For example:
- Retained deciduous teeth – this is when the baby teeth remain, and the adult teeth are already coming in, usually around 4-7 months. You will see both teeth present adjacent to each other. The canine teeth (fang teeth) are most commonly affected. This condition is more common in toy and small breeds.
- Cryptorchid (in males) – this is when one or both of the testicles are not present in the scrotum. You will find only one or no testicles present in the scrotum when you look (or feel) for them. Males that are cryptorchid will need an exam with the doctor prior to surgery, and surgery would be scheduled on a different day. (Surgery will not be part of Simply Spay and Neuter of OC)
- Umbilical (belly button) hernias – this will present as a “lump or bump” at the belly button. The size can vary; small as a pea or as large as a golf ball (or even bigger). Some, if small enough, can be insignificant and require no treatment, and others will be large enough to recommend surgical repair. Doing so at the time of the spay/neuter procedure is very common since your pet is already undergoing anesthesia.
- This list is not complete but identifies a few of the conditions more commonly found on physical exams. We may be able to help remedy the above, as well as other situations that may be present, so please mention to the staff in the morning if you have questions regarding your pet’s conditions. There will never be procedures performed or added fees without your knowledge and authorization.
Are the Veterinarians & Staff licensed and experienced?
Our doctors are fully-licensed veterinarians in California. The clinic staff has licensed Registered Veterinary Technicians as well as trained Animal Health Technicians.
At what age and how frequently will my dog or cat go into heat?
Dogs start their heat cycles between the ages of 8-12 months average, however, some may start as early as 6 months or as late as 18-24 months. Smaller breeds tend to start heat cycles earlier than larger breeds. Dogs will go into heat about every 6 months and will last about 2 weeks (vary from 1-3 weeks).
Cats generally start heat cycles as young as 6 months of age. They are ‘seasonally polyestrous’ meaning they will go into heat a multitude of times during the spring/summer and very little during late fall and winter (but still possible). Cats just seem to be in heat all the time!
Can litter mates get pregnant?
Yes, litter mates can get pregnant, which is why it is important to spay/neuter your pets.
Does my pet have to be current on its vaccines in order to have surgery?
Yes, we ask that your pet’s vaccines be current or are going to be updated on the day of surgery.
Will my pet be required to wear one of those big round E-collars?
It is highly recommended to place an E-collar on your pet during the recovery and healing time post-surgery. These collars serve as protection to prevent self-trauma from pet’s licking and chewing at their own incisions. This may cause redness, swelling, infection and most importantly, dehiscence (breaking open) of the incision, the latter of which can be a very serious, life-threatening complication and warrant emergency medical care. This is a more serious situation in females, as they have had abdominal incisions for their surgeries. We will strongly urge all owners, but especially those with females, to purchase an E-collar ($12) to help prevent this situation. Oftentimes, the wait and see approach does not work in this case, as a significant amount of damage can occur in a very short time.
Is it better to let my dog have one litter of puppies before getting her spayed?
No. There is no study or evidence to support the notion that having a litter of puppies or kittens will benefit the physical health or emotional well being of your pet. In fact, evidence shows that females spayed before their first heat cycles have significantly reduced the risk of mammary cancers.
How long after my dog/cat has puppies/kittens can she be spayed?
We recommend waiting 2 weeks after weaning the puppies or kittens (so 8-10 weeks after puppies/kittens are born) for dog or cat spaying. The uterus and mammary glands will have the time to shrink back toward normal.
Will there be stitches that will need to be removed?
The surgeon may place external skin stitches. However, sometimes, only internal absorbable sutures are used. This will depend on a case by case basis and the surgeon will determine what is best for each case. If skin stitches are placed, the pet will need to come back in 10-14 days for removal. A receptionist will inform you on release whether external stitches were placed.
If my pet becomes “ill” in the days just before his/her surgery, should I call and cancel?
Yes, please give us a call at (949) 837-7660 and ask to speak to a technician and a recommendation will be made based on your individual condition. It is always better to ask ahead of time, as being sick or ill could increase the potential for anesthetic/surgical complications and may warrant rescheduling surgery until your pet is feeling well again.
Please call for details and availability.
What’s Included
Surgical fees include the following:
- IV Catheter and IV fluid administration during surgery for blood pressure and circulatory support
- Pain control medication before, during and after
- The surgery, performed by fully licensed and experienced veterinarians
- Individual sterilized surgical pack and suture material
- Anesthetic monitoring – ECG, pulse-oximetry, respiratory monitor
- Thermal monitoring and support
- Individual anesthetic recovery monitoring and observation
- Pain medications to go home
- Certificate of sterilization
- Rechecks pertaining to the procedure, if required
- A great feeling knowing you are providing wonderful care for your pet and doing your part to prevent pet overpopulation
Surgical fees do not include the following:
- Pre-anesthetic blood tests: we do highly recommend these blood tests which are effective in determining the overall health of your pet. They help with the early detection of liver and kidney problems, anemia, and internal health problems which may, in turn, modify our anesthetic protocols and help to decrease the risks associated with anesthesia.
- Fees for special procedures including dewclaw removals and umbilical hernias.
- Fees for uterine enlargement, pregnant, or significantly overweight as these conditions increase surgical time, anesthesia and materials required
- E-collars
- Vaccines, deworming, microchips, and other additional services available
Why is Pre-Anesthetic Blood Testing Important?
Our greatest concern is for the health and safety of our patients. In addition to the full physical exam, the blood tests are another key diagnostic tool we can use to help identify underlying medical conditions including, but not limited to, liver and kidney problems, blood disorders, existing infections/inflammation, diabetes, and other endocrine disorders. Not only are these tests very important in our older pets, whose body functions can diminish with age, but also, they can be very useful to help identify early genetic or congenital problems of the kidneys, liver or other organs in young kittens and puppies. These are often undetectable until a time when their systems are challenged by a stressor, such as an anesthetic procedure. Having knowledge of these situations prior to anesthesia may alter our protocols or even raise enough concern to cancel the anesthesia/procedure, as this higher risk may warrant further evaluation before proceeding. In addition, all blood values are very important in evaluating the overall health of the internal organs responsible for processing and eliminating the anesthetics and medications given for these procedures. In other words, these blood tests truly give invaluable information as to the internal health of our pets.
Our Mini Health Screen consists of the 6 blood chemistry values and a Packed Cell Volume (PCV):
Blood Chemistries:
- BUN and Creatinine are measured as an indication of kidney function
- Alt and Alk Phos are measured to evaluate the health of the liver
- Blood Glucose indicates overall health as well as an indicator for diabetes and hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)
- Total Protein evaluates for existing inflammation, overall general health, hydration levels
- Packed Cell Volume evaluates anemia, overall general health, hydration levels
This profile is provided for those wishing to do the very minimal blood testing available to help minimize the risks associated with anesthesia
Our Basic General Health Screen consists of a Mini Health Screen with the addition of a complete blood cell count (CBC) and electrolyte panel:
Blood Chemistries: (as above)
Plus: complete blood cell count (CBC) evaluates levels of red (anemia, hydration) and white blood cells (may indicate existing inflammation and/or infection, globulins, evaluates immune system) and a platelet count (clotting function).
Plus: electrolytes (K+, Na+, Cl-) give a further evaluation of endocrine and metabolic processes.
This is the profile that we recommend for all of our surgical patients. It gives a basic overview of many of the processes and organs used specifically to process and eliminate the medications and anesthetics used for our procedures.
Our Comprehensive Health Profile consists of the Basic General Health Screen:
Blood Chemistries, the CBC, and Electrolytes (as above)
Plus: an additional 6 chemistry values
This profile is offered to add an expanded health profile for our patients. This panel is recommended for older pets (greater than 5), for pets that have had illnesses in the recent past or for those having ongoing medical issues. It is always for any of our clients wishing for a more comprehensive blood evaluation for their pets, as this information is invaluable and can be used as a baseline normal for your healthy pet’s permanent health records.