Your pet's dental health is a large part of their well-being. Pet teeth cleaning can significantly improve your pet's life!

Dental Care

According to the American Veterinary Dental Society, 70% of adult cats and 80% of adult dogs show symptoms of oral disease. This is an excellent reminder of how important your pet’s dental condition is for their overall health, as strong oral hygiene will also help to prevent infections that can spread through the bloodstream to affect major organs such as your pet’s liver, kidneys, and heart.

Your pet’s dental care is not different than your own dental care; it requires constant maintenance and oversight. Imagine if you didn’t brush your teeth for a few days, you would notice pretty quickly that something didn’t feel right. Our pet’s use their mouths for so much more than just eating, and gum and tooth pain can make life really hard on them. This is why we perform a dental exam during every single visit, to make sure no issues have arisen.

Signs that your pet may be experiencing dental problems include difficulty chewing or swallowing, red or bleeding gums, listlessness or disinterest in food, drooling, and failure to groom in cats. Fortunately, the disease progresses slowly, and there are actions we can take. If you should notice any of these symptoms in your pet make an appointment for a pet teeth cleaning at our animal hospital as soon as possible.

There are two types of pet dental cleanings offered at Lake Forest Animal Clinic: a non-anesthetic dental and an anesthetic dental. The veterinarian will advise you to which kind of dental is most appropriate to address the dental needs of your pet. A non-anesthetic dental is useful for pets having a minimum to moderate amount of plaque build-up without loose or infected teeth. In moderate to severe dental issues, an anesthetic dental is necessary which involves the scraping and removing of tartar build-up, polishing of the teeth, and applying a protective fluoride coating. Full mouth dental radiographs (x-rays) are taken so that we can evaluate the health of the teeth under the gum line. Sometimes dental abscesses are found in teeth that look healthy from the outside. This shows the importance of dental x-rays, which can only be done with the pet under anesthesia. Then, any infected or unhealthy teeth are extracted. We hear clients say time and time again that their pets seem happier and more energetic after dental extractions. After removing the teeth, they are brighter and thankful!

Preventative Dental Care

Anesthetic Pet Dental Care

Non-Anesthetic Pet Dental Treatment

Pet Dental Care Services Near You

To make an appointment for a dental exam or cleaning, call us at 949-837-7660.