Laser Therapy
Laser Therapy (or Photobiomodulation therapy, PBM) is a non-invasive therapeutic option that uses light to reach target tissue and has the potential to provide quick results. Laser Therapy for your pet can be used to promote healing for a variety of common conditions such as muscular pain, osteoarthritis, postoperative pain from incisions and wounds, and most situations involving musculoskeletal pain. Laser Therapy works by affecting tissue chemicals responsible for pain, inflammation, and nerve conduction; additionally, it increases microcirculation, cellular activity, and growth factors. The result is improved healing and tissue function and decreased discomfort.
How Does Pet Laser Therapy Work?
The light from the laser is absorbed by specific elements within each cell (the mitochondria); in turn, each cell begins to produce more energy or fuel (ATP). This increase in production then promotes quicker healing and an improved reduction in local inflammation.
How Long is Treatment?
Treatment will vary per patient and is entirely dependent on the complexity or severity of the underlying condition(s).
What to Expect in Pet Laser Therapy Sessions
During each treatment, both the technician and the pet will be wearing eye protection. There may be some warmth at the treated site and each ‘dose’ lasts between 1 and 10 minutes pending the size of the pet and the sites being worked on. At home, you may see an increase in activity or marked relaxation as pain and inflammation is reduced. Results will vary per patient, with some experiencing relief after 1 session and others requiring more pending the complexity and severity of the condition.
Pet Laser Therapy Services Near You
If you would like to know more about laser therapy and if it could benefit your pet, contact us at 949-837-7660 or make an appointment today.